The Next Level Case

  • 12 bottles to take your wine game to a whole new stratosphere
  • Hand-selected by our team of somms 
  • Past cases have included wines from producers like Lionel Faury and Gramenon

Bottles depicted are examples of the kinds of wines you can expect to receive.


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These electric, deeply satisfying wines will make you an overnight must-invite to every dinner party. For the Next Level Case, we scour our shop for wines that meet that mandate. In the past, we’ve included outstanding bottles from Gramenon in the Southern Rhône, and Faith Armstrong in California, alongside Bandol rosé and Austrian Riesling that will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Your case will reflect the wines we’re most excited about in the shop today, the ones we’d love hoard for ourselves.

Like what you see?

Dive into our collection of hard to get ahold of, gorgeous wines. Do we hoard these wines for rainy days? You bet. But we also uncork them for any and all occasions because while they're insanely special and usually sold out in big cities across America, but they're also made to be enjoyed. Shared. The center of parties and meditation circles. And you can have them delivered straight to your doorstep today.

About Dedalus

Dedalus is defining a new wine culture. One that closes the gap between wine growers and wine drinkers.