This Must Be The Place

Place has power. It’s why you can’t recreate the taste of a Provencal rosé in California, and why a scientist will tell you Nielluccio from Corsica and Sangiovese from Tuscany are one and the same, but you will know them as completely singular. When we pair the unique wines of these incredible places with foods from the same region, we acknowledge the extraordinary power of place. We get to the heart of what wine can do, and in turn, it offers us unforgettable experiences.

Island Wines

There's something special about island wines.

Discover Corsica, Sicily, and the Canary Islands.

Indigenous Varieties

Indigenous varieties are leading the revolution.

Discover something new.

Discover the Power of Place

Field Blends

Not all blends are created equal. Find harmony in the field.

Rosé Road Trip

Change your relationship with rosé with bottles that surprise and enchant you.

Explore the Dedalus Wine Clubs